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Inhalants Addiction Treatment

Inhalants Addiction : Treatment and Counselling

Inhalants Addiction Treatment

Inhalants Addiction : Treatment and Counselling

Inhalant addiction is a very serious problem that can cause permanent brain damage in a short period of time. Most individuals who suffer from inhalant addiction need for professional treatment. There are treatment options available for people suffering with an addiction to inhalants at UMANG CLINIC.

Inhalants are one of the most detrimental substances of abuse to a person’s health. If you or someone you know has an inhalant addiction, suggest them our clinic.

  • Sulochan
  • Whitener
  • Nail Polish Remover
  • Fuels
  • Glue
  • Cooking Spray
  • Toxic Paints
  • Shoe Polish
  • Cleaning fluids


All About Inhalants Addiction

About 22 lakh problem users present in India. These include volatile hydrocarbons in Sulochan, Whitener, Fuels, Glue, Toxic Paints, Shoe Polish and so on.

  • Effects
  • Age of onset
  • Comorbidity
  • Risk Factors

Could lead to euphoria, dizziness, slurred speech, unsteady gait, lethargy, slowed down reflexes, blurred vision, generalised muscle weakness, stupor and even coma.

Could lead to sudden "sniff-death" due to irregular heartbeat, even in the first dose of an inhalant. These substances can cause cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, pulmonary, as well as neurological problems. There is also an increased risk of depression, anxiety and attention issues.

Use of inhalants is seen in 12-17 year olds; typically using glue, shoe polish, toluene, spray-paints and so on. Usage drops drastically among those in their 20s.

Antisocial personality disorder as well as other substance use disorder. High prevalence of suicidal ideation is often seen.

  • Environment : Inhalants are widely available legally and are also found in common household items. Childhood maltreatment is associated with conversion from inhalant use in children to inhalant use disorder in youth.
  • Genetic : As mentioned earlier, behavioural disinhibition is related to early onset substance use disorder (including inhalants), multiple substance use, and early conduct problems.

Signs and Symptoms That You are Addicted to inhalants

  • Slurred speech
  • Jerky reactions
  • Mild highs
  • A general loss of motor control
  • Users will look like they're drunk
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Sedation
  • Hallucinations
  • Dilated pupils
  • Loss of appetite
  • Facial rash where the inhalant blistered the skin.
  • You'll often notice a strange smell—a distinctive chemical-like smell that reminds you of fresh paint.
  • Users might also have marks around their mouth and noses, particularly if they're sniffing paint.

Personalized Care Plans :

  • Medications
  • Counselling / Therapy

Medications are given to manage the craving or desire to consume Inhalants.

Quitting the addictive substance is the first step and the crucial beginning of a long battle against craving and relapse. Counseling is an essential part of treatment for all patients of addiction. Drug refusal skills, craving management, anger management, and problem solving skills are various skills to be imparted to the patient in counseling and help those recovering from addiction stay clean. Psychotherapy can also be used to treat the other mental health conditions that often contribute to addiction.

Why counseling is important in Addiction Treatment?

Addiction is more than a physical dependence on drugs, alcohol and tobacco. Even after detox, when physical dependence is cured, patients are at high risk for relapse. Psychological and social factors are often powerful stimuli for relapse, which include :

  • Stress, especially sudden life stresses
  • Cues in the environment, like visiting a neighborhood where the substance is easily available
  • Social networks, like spending time with friends who continue to use drugs, alcohol and tobacco

These factors can create ongoing, nearly irresistible urges to use various substances of abuse. Counseling helps patients escape craving and learn to cope with life, without falling prey to addiction. Several counseling therapies are available for addictions abuse, and no method is known to be the best. Likewise, no one approach is appropriate for everyone with addiction. At UMANG CLINIC, a personalized counseling & treatment plan will be designed to cater to each individual’s addiction problem.

Therapy Services to the Family Members

Effectiveness & Importance Of Treatment

Treatment enables people to counteract addiction's powerful disruptive effects on the brain and behavior and to regain control of their lives. In addition to stopping regular substance use, the goal of treatment is to return people to productive functioning in the family, workplace, and community.

Nearly all patients suffering from addiction problem believe at the outset that they can stop using drugs on their own, some succeed but unfortunately most relapse. The psychological and physiological dependence which the patient is habituated to requires professional treatment and guidance which increases their chances of being successful and achieve long-term abstinence.

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